Keeping with the theme of our local visitors here on the farm here are a few pictures from our trail cameras on the property. It is such fun to pop in the SD card and find these wonderful creatures. I feel relieved every year they made it through another hunting season.
Last winter, around dusk, we had a deer parade down our road. I think hubby counted 30 some deer walking in a row down our dead end road. It was crazy. I did not have a good camera so no pictures were taken. That changed this year when I invested in a Nikon 3100 with some great lenses. Now I am armed to take as many pics as I can when the deer have their annual deer parade in front of our house this year. "Excuse me my lovelies can I have you turn this way for a close-up?"
We have 2 trail cameras on our property and during the hunting season, even with no trespassing signs all over our property some wonderful hunter came onto our property and stole one of the cameras. I was beyond up-set. First that someone stole the camera but more so that he felt he had the right to come on our land as if entitled to do so. Most of the hunters around here come out from the city and play the great white hunter for x-amount of weeks in Nov-Dec. We learned our lesson and will take them down for the hunting season next year. An as mad as they makes me to do that I don't need to spend that kind of money to just have them stolen again.
Have a wonderful weekend
Shel |